Minutes – Nov 21st, 2023
Attended: Allan Wilson, Trina Dresser, Jim Orr, Steve Dick, Shannon Anderson, Nancy Haarstad, Jeff Bajema, Kelly McKinlay
Regrets: Lonnie Bergstrom, Gail Wilson, Dana Holowaty, Kelly McKinlay
- Allan called the meeting to order at 6:10 PM
- Approval of the agenda Jeff moved to approve / seconded by Jim
- Approval of the minutes from the meeting held Oct 4th 2023. Allan moved to approve/ seconded by Trina
- Treasurer’s report
- Account balances
- Casino $10869
- General $67570
- Savings $5665
- So far all but 8 advertisers have paid for their on-ice signs. Trina will follow up with them
- Trina is going to check to see if we can get a better deal on or land line/ cable TV/ internet as it is all with SHAW
- With the new POS / cash register system Trina has been e-transferring Shannon her tips. It is the easiest way to do it, rather than write a check.
- Jm moved to approve the treasurer’s report / seconded by Nancy
- New Business & Correspondence
- Farmer’s Bonspiel – 16 teams, lots of sponsors, Bonspiel will run Wednesday the 29th thru Dec 2nd
- Junior’s - Steve has 13 juniors registered
- Raffle tickets – Dana could not make it
- Facility Rentals –
- Jeff volunteered to set up a chat group to use to communicate about rentals.
- Allan is going to talk to the town about where we stand when it comes to liability in cases where the renters obtain their own liquor licenses.
- Next meeting, we agreed to review our rental fees
- Website
- Posting executive meeting minutes in members only area? - everyone present thought it would be a good idea.
- Posting results – Teams will be encouraged to use the website to track their wins and losses.
- Registrations - Men's 40, Wednesday night 23, Thursday 29, Seniors 32, Stick league 18
- Grant applications - the grant from the county of Lacombe has already been received. Jim will check into the grant from the town of Bentley.
- Old Business
- Fire Drill / Safety Plan – Nancy met with each on the members and went through the plan.
- Garbage – Allan will talk to the town about getting a bin for our Garbage
- On-ice lighting – we have a quote on replacement of the on-ice lighting. Allan will check with Fortis about a grant.
- Window replacement – The town of Bentley has had the window replaced.
- Parking sign – Allan will talk to the town about getting us a “lounge Attendant Parking Only” sign
- Rental Fees – to be discussed next meeting
- Land line – to be discussed next meeting
- Move to adjourn – meeting was adjourned at 7:30 PM
- Next Meeting Date – Jan 9th at 7 PM